Tuesday, February 03, 2015

Another Long Silence

Greenberry House
These long silences on the blog embarrass me. I have no excuse; except that it seems that regularly my life gets turned upside down while I'm not looking and I get blindsided. It takes me a long time to adjust to new routines and it seems that the things I enjoy the most are the first to be given up when I am faced with lack of time and financial challenges.

Handspun Shetland and merino wool from hand dyed roving and batts
The new complication in my life that is taking up so much time involves caring for my 80 year old father. I spent over five years taking care of his father, both part-time and full-time while also trying to hold down a job and support myself, so I already know how much time and energy this venture is going to take. My brother helps when he can but he's a traveling musician and away from home much of the time. Still, after four months I'm working into the process and, while it isn't any easier, really, I'm adjusting to juggling trying to keep bills paid and Dad fed, laundered and medicated.

Martha and Rose
And somehow, not exactly sure when that happened (remember the blindsided thing?), I wound up with four pregnant goats. I completely adore them but adding the care of a little herd of dairy goats to my daily routine has also added some interest to life. Babies will be coming soon and I'll love having them but I don't think I'm going to try adding milking to my daily schedule right now!

My little flock

A month or so ago the chicken co-op decided to disband and, as agreed, we split the birds and I helped to process half of them. I opted to keep my share for awhile longer until I can buy some replacement chicks this spring. The girls are laying again and the dogs and I get plenty of exercise walking up to the farm to take care of them.

Knightley and Emma
And the dogs are still here and still taking care of me. Knightley learns more about helping me with my deafness every day. Recently he caught on to letting me know if I leave the water running in the sink. I can't hear it and he comes to get me if I go away from the sink and leave the faucet turned on. I can't count the number of times he has gotten me out of the way of cars along the road. Emma remains the most loving of creatures and the best foot warmer at night you would ever want. Her favorite evening is stitching group; she adores seeing everyone!


Virginia said...

What a year you must have had or are having. Baby goats can be so much fun. We had one for a few months but then gave her away to a friend who had a very old horse who needed a companion out in the field. They are now great pals. Please take care of yourself.

Sisiggy said...

I envy the goats. We're already pushing the limit here having chickens. We're planning on goats at the volunteer farm this spring, but they won't be mine and volunteers are already queing up to take care of them. No one wants to weed, though....just take care of animals.
Heh..."fed, laundered and medicated." I remember those days with my dad (...and mother and grandmother and aunt...). My family always laughed and called it "daughter duty," mostly because I was the only daughter (or niece or granddaughter)and it never occurred to anyone in my family (including me) that males are just a capable as females of being caregivers.

Thistle Cove Farm said...

Care giving is the hardest job possible! I'm glad you like to keep chickens and whenever I find someone local who sells eggs, I buy from them. It was my job, as a child, to collect the eggs and those old hens knew I was timid of them. I was always afraid they'd peck me so they did.