Monday, October 05, 2009

Festival! (Yeah...again...)

Shockley's Old Timey Days, Hillsville, Virginia

Cindy at her weaving
Cindy at her loom (My great wheel, which I demonstrated, and my little wheel in the background)

Fellow spinner Betty
Betty, another spinner who is also an awesome fiddle player!

Surrounded by color
Quilter's Show, with quilts made by the lady that ran out of the shot plus some family pieces.

Mrs. Cassell curns butter
Churning Butter

Making meal

This is a really nice and growing festival. The Shockleys are very interested in the "old time" ways and have gone to a great effort to find people that still practice traditional arts. I demonstrate hand spinning on a great wheel while the weaver weaves and the quilter shows off her beautiful work, and another spinner spins on a flyer wheel. Not far away is a woman churning butter next to a lye soap maker. Down the path two fellows are working hard making cider out of huge bins of apples. There's a hit-and-miss engine making ice cream, an old time country store, two mills (that I saw) grinding corn meal, a cane mill working, horses plowing, hay stacking, a potter, woodworkers of all sorts, molasses and apple butter being made, fried apple pies available and I'm sure I've left out a ton of stuff! If you want to see an old time farm in action, catch Shockley's Old Timey Days next year. Last weekend in September...rain date the first weekend in October.

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