Friday, March 09, 2007

Maybe Winter Is Over...

Favorite sign of spring
Pussy willows in the garden!

and I can start blogging again! I've really missed making my entries, and even more I've missed all the other blogs that I usually read every morning! I can't wait to get back into my blog routine, but there are a few more weeks ahead before I can really settle into that. I've made a few sporadic visits lately but not many!

What have I been doing? Some fun things, really. Maggie Alexander from Maggie's Farm in New York asked me to redesign her web page. It was a lot of fun, especially since Maggie is a wonderful photographer and her pictures of the farm and animals really make the page. Go on over and check it out; she has stuff for sale! I'm especially looking forward to trying out some of her lavender soap!

I also had fun designing another web page; this one for a friend in Richmond that is selling log home kits. So if you're in the market for a gorgeous log cabin, go visit her new web site. And even if you don't have a log cabin in your immediate future, the pictures are lovely!

Instead of blogging....
Two little purses, a chenille scarf and a basket of hand spun Corriedale

And we got the March/April 2007 issue of Fiber Femmes up, a couple of days late because Sandra and I were both fighting the plague. Sandra did an amazing job as usual of getting great articles and patterns together. My contribution was the pattern for the little purple purse in the photo above.

And I made another little purse, plus a scarf for me from Dovetail Farms chenille (I think they did the dyeing) and I spun up the last of the Corriedale roving I had. This will go into the dye pot later when I have some more spinning completed.

Dyed Jacob Wool
Jacob Wool from Avillion Farm

Most mornings I'm spending up here at the shop, with afternoons reserved for harvesting some gorgeous angora wool on rabbits that are due for shearing again. I try to get most of them done in December so that in the coldest months, January and February, they have a nice coat. But now everyone is going to need to be sheared in March and April. The good thing is that the does will have short coats when they have bunnies in May! And in the evenings I'm spinning, of course; right now some fun Jacob wool that should make some interesting yarn. I'm still working on filling my booth spaces at the shop; we have some shelving up and more to do this weekend.

Signs of Spring
Early Daffodils

I've been seeing signs of spring all around the farm, although we still take our morning walks in chilly breezes. Robins have been hopping around the fields for quite awhile, but yesterday a flock of red-winged blackbirds carpeted the ground under the apple tree in search of sunflower seeds dropped from the feeders. The old-fashioned daffodils are starting to bloom, and there are buds on every tree limb around the place. The cats are enjoying the warmth of the sun as the day goes on; I find them stretched out in warm nooks all over the farm.

And they're still there!
And of course these two are still...on the couch!

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