Tuesday, April 04, 2006


Picture 063
Evening on the Farm

The wind is back. Roaring and tearing away at everything, rocking pine trees into a wild dance and slamming loose windows in their frames. After two gorgeous days this is discouraging! But we had some much needed rain yesterday, along with some rumbles of thunder. It would have been nice if it had rained longer. I went down in the evening to walk with friend Kym; we saw lightning on a hill not far away and retreated. Dinner in town and fixing up her income taxes without our walk was sufficient with a storm threatening.

Quiet here this weekend; I worked on the computer and took the dogs for long walks on the farm. I finished some articles for Blue Ridge Gazette; especially enjoyed doing some local mystery and the author interview with Fred First (see below).

Nice morning, JAG called and asked if I could go to breakfast with her, CTG and favorite cousin. Sort of a mini-bloggers meeting, although the main subject was an idea JAG has about language. We had a fun time, with old stories cropping up in our conversation, as usual. JAG sent me a wonderful photo of my dad that she took on Friday; I'll have to print it out and frame it!

Early morning walk today, but the wind was a bit disagreeable, even below the mountain. I feel dull and wiped out, as always after fighting wind. Spring will be back! Right?

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