Monday, March 27, 2006

The Hermitage

Hand Dyed Shetland/Mohair Roving
Hand dyed Shetland/Mohair Roving

I didn't leave the farm this weekend. Really nice. I kept the dye pots bubbling while I worked on web pages and some promotion of the Blue Ridge Gazette Magazine. I finally got the Meadows of Dan web page back on-line, after a glitch that happened when the domain name ran out and we wanted to transfer the ownership to my server. Beware of transfers; they are a pain! I did a major overhaul of the site and made it a little more user friendly and colorful. It still needs some more navigation stuff but it will do for now.

Hand Painted Shetland/Mohair Roving
Hand Painted Shetland/Mohair Roving

I also revamped Poor Farmer's Market and worked some on my business web page. Finally figured out how to do some things I've been seeing on other pages. I'm not an expert web designer by any means but I enjoy playing around with it.

I have several friends that are going through hard times; some with new struggles and some with on-going difficulties. As I work I think of them, praying for calm in their complicated lives and peace in their uncertain worlds.

Hand Dyed Pure Angora
Hand Dyed Chocolate Chincilla Angora

The dyeing turned out pretty well. I was going to do a step by step on the other blog but I packed away my formula sheets somewhere in a house cleaning and didn't want to hunt them up. So there was no scientific method this time around. I just dumped roving and dye in pots for the solid rovings and painted the others in my crockpot. They all turned out pretty nice. I'm itching to spin the purple but should keep it for sale. There may be another pot of the same stuff in the future. I'm longing to get some yarn done, but I don't have any millspun here right now.

Hand Painted Shetland/Mohair Roving
Hand Painted Shetland/Mohair Roving

Peaceful days. Quietly working in my office and kitchen, with a snoozing spaniel under my desk and a frolicking puppy dancing in and out of the house. Gray clouds rolling lazily across the sky, blowing snow on the wind, sudden white fields that melt to brown only to be covered by thin layers of snow again. The brilliance of cardinals against the snow, titmice in the window. Bold blue jays swaying on apple tree limbs. And finally sunshine and stillness.

Hand Dyed Shetland/Mohair Roving
Hand Painted Shetland/Mohair Roving

I plan to leave the house today. I have to go to Stuart to the hardware store for some final work there. Probably this week will be the last. Then on Thursday Mr. St. Lawrence of Ripples is going to be at Cafe Del Sol on Thursdays from 11:00 to 1:00 for an "Open Forum on Blogging". I hope to wander over that way and meet some bloggers I know by just reading about them. Should be fun. There are more details on Ripples, if any readers are close enough to attend. I suggested he do something about obsessive blogging and maybe use me as an example!

Yesterday TJ got up in my computer chair while I was checking the dyepots and did a Google search for "9". Wonder what he was looking for? Does he want to join the "K-9" corps?

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