Sunday, August 21, 2005

A Day at the Meadows of Dan Farmer's Market

Meadows of Dan Farmer's Market
All set up at Meadows of Dan Farmer's Market for the day. The sun was bright, the breezes cool.

Sue working on gourds
Sue busy working on beading a tiny gourd. She had Lonesome River Band items as well as her beautiful gourds.

Emily braiding garlic
Emily and her lovely beeswax candles. They smelled wonderful! She spent the day hard at work making garlic braids of her homegrown garlic and selling marvelous candles and Brandywine tomatoes from her farm.

My booth at the market
I spent the day spinning Coopworth and plying gorgeous Alpaca and silk singles. A sudden shower in the afternoon shuffled things a little but we kept right on working!

Farmer's Market Visitor
A special guest at the market. We weren't sure at the time but some checking revealed that this is a monarch chrysalis, which should hatch in a couple of weeks. We're guarding it carefully!

Monarch closeup
Such a beautifully perfect little creation!

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