Sunday, April 03, 2005

Blustery Day

Blustery Day

Completed Chenille Poncho. I think I will make the next one bigger, and try to figure out a way to dress up the lower edge. Maybe another strip of stitches running a different direction. And make it in a solid or yarn with more variegation. I like the effect of stitches running different ways.

Today there is a terrific wind blowing. If Winnie-the-Pooh was trying to make it to the Three Acre Wood he would have a hard time getting across the field without blowing away. The nest boxes I cleaned and left drying by the barn have been flung out into the field and there's a white bag down there that I don't recognize with something inside it. The dog house that usually sits in the front yard, one of those big plastic ones, is down by the forsythia in two pieces. Yesterday it rained a little, blew a little snow, parted the clouds for an hour's sunshine and then turned gray and cold. Welcome to a mountain spring!

I worked at the antique shop doing paperwork for a couple of hours yesterday then came back up here to tackle housework. Fortunately a friend came by and rescued me from that with an invitation to dinner at the local diner. When I came back I got a little more done on the house and then settled down to finish the poncho. After working on the house a bit more today and carrying out some trash, I get to start on Lura's lovely Shetland/mohair roving that I dyed in the crock pot. Looking forward to that!

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